This month is Food Allergy Awareness month and we want to honor that.
Mulay's know the importance on having food allergies and how tough it can be. So they will be donating a portion of all Mulay's Sausage proceeds from May 9th- May 15th to
The Elijah-Alavi Foundation Use this code to receive 15% off your purchase price with code: allergyawareness15
at www.mulays.com "
Mulay's Sausage -"This is just one reason that we've dedicated ourselves to making Mulay's products Certified Free From."
Make sure to tune in this Thursday at 1:30pm MST/ 3:30 pm EST as we chat with the Mulay’s! on their instagram Live @mulayssausage
Learn more about the Mulay's and food allergies using the link in their bio on instagram @mulayssausage or www.mulays.com . . . #howdoyoumulays #womanownedbusiness #smallbusiness #shopsmall #shoplocal #coloradoproud #allergenfriendly #glutenfree #freefrom #italiansausage #foodie #sausage #italianfood #foodallergies #allergyawarenessmonth #foodallergyawareness #nutallergy #dairyallergy #foodallergiessuck #top9free #peanutallergies #sesameallergy #treenutfree #treenutallergy #shellfishallergy #glutenallergy #wheatallergy #soyallergy #fishallergy #eggallergy